Isn't that nice? It's super heavy, but I like using it. I recently learned that if you cook vegetable oil in a cast iron skillet at higher heats, whether it's enameled or not, it sticks. It STICKS. This little skillet had a cooked on sticky, black coating that would not budge. I tried baking soda, vinegar, heating it up and scrubbing, scratch pads, Magic Eraser, copper scratch pads, tulle, and tons of soap. Chris told me I should just throw it out. The thrifty (CHEAP!!!) person in me screamed. There must be a another way!
While visiting, Rita mentioned that the pan would come clean if I sprayed oven cleaner in it. Oven cleaner seemed extreme, but I had tried everything else. And it worked like magic! I did have to do repeated treatments, but it's brand new. So don't cook vegetable oil in cast iron, and if you do and it gets stuck, use some oven cleaner. Thanks Rita!