Daniel has been with us for three months now! I can't believe how fast it has gone. I should probably sit down and write out his birth story at some point, but that's for another time. He was born on July 1st, and we have been in love with him from the start. I can't believe how much of the little baby period I had forgotten about. It's a LOT of work! So far, Daniel is a pretty happy little baby. He is smiling a lot now, and starting to laugh, which is adorable. He certainly has his cranky times and we have a pretty solid "witching hour," but for the most part he's a laid back kid. Which is fabulous, because I was short changed in the laid back kid department the last few go rounds. :) He is recognizing all of us more and more, and is very observant of what's going on around him. The kids are in love with him - we actually crossed a HUGE bridge recently when Sophia said, "Mommy, I'm glad Daniel is a boy. I'm OK that he's not a sister for me." (She was very, very sad when she found out he was a boy.) God has been doing a great work in that little girl, and she is in love with Daniel. It's so sweet to see! Daniel has been growing like a weed. I'm used to having very small kids, and was always a little sad that I never had a fat baby. Not this time! He is super chunky and cute! :) I think this is God's grace to provide him a little protection from his rambunctious siblings.
Here's a 3 month shot: