My sister-in-law, Emily, got married this weekend. We have known Mitchell, her now husband, for several years. I decided that Mitchell was a keeper a few years ago when he was holding Eli, our oldest, who proceeded to puke all over him and the floor - Mitchell didn't drop him, didn't scream, and remained quite calm and collected. That's a good man.
I've known Emily since she was eight years old! I remember at our wedding she asked me if she could wear my wedding dress when she got married - so cute! She decided on a more stylish design. ;) Chris and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago. Emily and Mitchell are 10 years younger than us. Such a similar situation. I pray God's blessing on their marriage as they start this journey. I am thankful for the amazing people they are becoming, and can't wait to see what their first 10 years brings.
Many of our family members had parts in the wedding. It was fun to watch all of them participating. My brother-in-law, Todd, officiated the ceremony. (You can check out his blog here: Todd's Blog). Eli and our niece Ellie were the the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl. I was very proud of both of them.