Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekend Fun

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We spent the past few days visiting Chris' grandma, who our kids call "GiGi" (for Great Gramma).  It's been a while since we visited.  She lives on a great property with a pond, horses, and chickens.  The kids had a BLAST!  The highlight of the weekend was catching frogs.  This went on for hours, and none of them seemed to grow tired of it!

Here's the team.  :)  I don't know if you can see, but Isaac is trying to catch
frogs with a tiny little fish tank net.  

Eli with one of his frogs - he caught 15 by himself!
We visited a beautiful garden after church with GiGi and Aunt Lisa.
These trips are becoming a little easier as the kids get older.  Daniel is still difficult, but it's a lot easier when it's only one kid who is a lot of work verses three!