Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Table is FINISHED!

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As I posted here back in the fall, I planned to make a farmhouse table for our kitchen.  I promised Chris I would wait until the spring to undertake this big project, and 2 weeks ago I started.  It was nowhere near as horrible as I thought it would be.  I had some snags along the way, but it turned out well.  I wanted a big, heavy, stable table, and that's certainly what it is.  Aside from having a friend cut the legs for me, I did every last bit of this table by myself!  I'm getting much better with the circular saw and the drill.  I plan to make a bench for this table, but right now I'm taking a break.

I used Ana White's farmhouse table plans.  They were super easy to follow and everything worked perfectly.

I have absolutely no desire to do carpentry on a regular basis, but I like being able to make things we need for pretty cheap.  If I never have to sand another piece of wood in my life, I'll be happy.  I'm hoping this holds up to 4 growing children who are not too gentle with furniture.