This past weekend at church, our kids participated in The Real Story of Christmas, which was their presentation for children's ministry. It was super cute! Several weeks ago, pictures were taken of them in costume - the creative people involved took the pictures and did some great things with them, using them to tell the story. I laughed so hard at these pictures! They are great!!!
Here's Daniel! This is my favorite picture!
I won't post them all, but here are a few more:
Sophie, an angel, with her little friend, also Sophie!
Eli and Isaac with a new friend Chase. Isaac flat refused to put on a costume.
The slide show was up with these pictures while the story of Jesus' birth was read and the kids sang some songs. It was wonderful! We are having a Christmas service this Sunday, December 22, at 10 am if you are interested. There won't be any great kid productions, but it will be wonderful none the less!