Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Second First Day of Swimming Lessons

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Sophie and Isaac had their second first day of swimming lessons today.  Yesterday, which was the first day of lessons, we arrived at the YMCA.  The kids met their teacher, and sat down on the edge of the pool.  Sophie was screaming bloody murder, refusing to go in, scared to death of the deep water.  Just then, the entire Y lost power - all of the lights went out.  They told us to clear the pool and the deck, that class was canceled.  Awesome.  At this point Sophie realizes that she's not going to get her lesson, and starts screaming bloody murder that she WANTS to go swimming.  Good Lord.

Today we went for the second first day of swimming lessons.  Eli was able to have his lesson yesterday because the lights had rebooted in time for his lesson which started a half hour later.  Sophie still screamed, and she sure cried a lot, but it was much better.  I'm hoping by the end of the weak she will realize that her teacher has no intention of drowning her and relax.  We'll see.  Isaac is his usual self, having no regard for his own safety he'll do exactly what is asked of him at full tilt.

Here are some pictures:

Eli, learning his kicks in deep water.

Sophie, with her teacher.  This woman is a saint - she just smiles and
reassures constantly.  

My brave boy, jumping right in.