Saturday, September 15, 2012

Spinach Pasta Rolls in Vodka Sauce

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I recently re-started my quest to find good, healthy, freezable meals.  I have some good recipes, but I need more, especially vegetarian options!  

I made these for dinner tonight, and I wanted to share!  They are so easy, and they are just screaming to be frozen and cooked later!  I make manicotti using the roll up method.  It's so easy and it saves my sanity.  Whenever I find a recipe that asks me to stuff wet, soft pasta, I move on. 

You can find the original recipe here: Spinach Lasagna Rolls - The Skinny Taste

2 (10 oz) boxes of frozen spinach, thawed and run through the salad spinner
2 eggs, beaten
32 oz of Ricotta
1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Boil a box of lasagna noodles - there are 18 in a box.

Take 1/3 cup of filling and spread it over the noodles, leaving about 1.5 inches at the end uncovered.  Roll the noodles up starting at the covered end.  Place 9 of the noodles seam down in a 9X13 baking dish.  Place the other 9 on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper - place them in the freezer, then bag them up for another time.

It makes me happy when food looks pretty.  I don't really focus on looks with what I cook, so it doesn't look pretty often, but when it does it makes me happy.  Aesthetics are important sometimes. 

I LOVE vodka sauce.  I basically love anything containing heavy cream, which sort of defeats the purpose of making a healthy meal, but I try to rationalize it by saying that if I put a 1/2 cup of heavy cream into a dish, each serving doesn't really have all that much in it, so it's not that bad.  Right?  :)

Making vodka sauce is super easy.

Take a quart of whatever sauce you like, simmer it with a cup of vodka.  If you need to, blitz it with an immersion blender to make it smooth.   Take it off of the heat, add a half cup of heavy cream and a half cup of grated Parmesan.  That's it! I used some of the chunky basil tomato sauce I canned a month ago.  You can't ever have enough basil. 

Pour the sauce over the rolls, cover with foil, and bake at 350F for about a half an hour.  Enjoy!