Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sophia's First Day of KINDERGARTEN

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I think it was possible to scoop up some of the excitement this morning and hold it in your hands!  Sophia was all smiles as she got ready, ate breakfast, and waited for the bus.  She missed the district cut off to go to kindergarten by about 6 weeks last year, so she has felt ready for this for some time.  This is always a difficult milestone for me - I know these kids are growing up and I love to see it, but I feel deep loss with this one like no other.

Here are some pictures - 

So excited!!!

Eli has been providing coaching all week.  :)

"The bus is coming!!!!!!"  

Doesn't she look like such a peanut next to these huge second graders?  

I am praying that Sophie will adjust quickly, continue her deep love of learning, and make some amazing friends.