Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Watch Day

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Today was "Watch Day" at Sophie's dance studio.  I was very excited to learn that her class would be offered during the day, so we didn't have to run up to the studio one evening a week, like we did last year.  The downfall is that Isaac and Daniel are with me.  That's usually not a problem - we walk around the studio, and go outside on the walking path while we wait.  However, Watch Day presents an entirely new set of issues.  I took them in with me, for the entire one hour lesson.  Isaac did really well.  The teacher gave him a stamp at the end, too!  Daniel was squirmy and generally annoyed, which made my picture taking endeavors pretty interesting.  He wasn't bad, but I'm glad I don't have to take him in often!

Sophie is doing really well in class, and I can already tell a big improvement over last year!