Sunday, September 18, 2011

Should Eli go to pre-school?

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A recent topic of conversation here has been whether or not Eli should attend pre-school.  He will start kindergarten next fall.  Between the two of us, Chris went to pre-school and I did not.  So we have different perspectives on the subject.  It's hard for me to imagine sending Eli away, so I'm struggling with the idea of pre-school, even if it is limited hours/days each week.

The other aspect I struggle with about it is that Eli is a sharp kid.  He doesn't seem to struggle with academic concepts at this point.  Granted what he should know is very basic, but he picks it up easily.  I started researching an idea called "Tot School" at the recommendation of a friend.  It turns out a lot of home schooling moms (which I will not be joining the ranks of) have been working on curriculums for pre-school aged children and there are some resources available.  With the help of my never-dying printer cartridge (a story for another time) and my sister-in-law Abbie and her laminator, I was able to print off and create some activity books, also called "Tot Books" for the kids.  I'm focusing on Eli right now, but do have some things that are more appropriate for the younger ones too.

Here's a picture of Eli working on the Robot Tot Book:

You can find it here (1+1+1=1) on this fabulous blog if you are interested or want to see others she has created.

Eli was able to sound out all of the number words with very minimal assistance (except for two and eight - sometimes English rules are maddening) and all of the shape words.  Amazing!  I can't believe how much he has learned!  I was so proud of him, and he had a big confidence boost.

More tot books will be coming into the house soon!