Eli - is almost 4 years old. He's such a good helper and does really well with Sophie and Isaac. He is really interested in reading, and we are working on the beginnings of how letters sound and fit together. Right now he can read 2 words: no & stop. I should have taught him something more positive, but that's hindsight. ;) His favorite books right now are the Seuss stories and the Curious George stories. His favorite character is Lightning McQueen!
Sophia - Sophia turned 2 a few months ago. She is a precocious little girl for sure! She loves playing with Eli and is developing a very creative imagination. She loves reading all kinds of stories...a few of her favorites are Olivia (a gift from Gramma B and a well matched one for sure :D ) and The Very Busy Spider. Sophia likes to watch Pooh and The Littles with Eli. We'll be potty training full time soon, so pray for all of us.
Isaac - Isaac turned 1 a few months ago. He is walking all over the place. His sweet temperament has stayed with him, and he remains by far the happiest!. Isaac is really interested in the Gossie books and LOVES Goodnight Moon right now. Isaac fits in so well with the family; he adores Eli and Sophie.
Here is a sweet group shot Judy took: